- Use less plastic (or none at all). I will never buy plastic Tupperware, plates, utensils, cups ever again unless it’s that stuff that’s biodegradable and made from corn. Also, I never buy plastic water bottles if I can help it. I take my own reusable, refillable one everywhere I go.
- Carpool if possible, take public transit if possible, and never drive anywhere you can easily get to by biking or walking.
- Bike or walk! It’s good for me, good for you and good for the planet.
- Eat less meat. Or eat vegetarian and even vegan whenever possible. This cuts out the fossil fuels and resources used to raise, process, and package animals for food.
- Shop at farmers markets, show support for local farms! (Less fossil fuels used for packaging and to bring your food to you!)
- Bring reusable bags everywhere. Even to the mall, or on errands. Refuse single-use plastic bags.
- Reduce, Reuse... I’m cutting down on buying new products when I can get what I need for cheaper at thrift stores. I also consider reusing something, or repurposing it before I even think about throwing it out.
- Recycle. I recycle all that I can. Plastic, aluminum cans, paper, glass. Sometimes I pick plastic bottles out of the trash and recycle them. It’s kind of extreme, but I did this a lot in the dorms at school with like-minded classmates
- Volunteer with a nonprofit. Volunteers and interns are the “backbone” of a successful nonprofit.
- Eat sustainable seafood! Obviously shark fin soup, turtle soup, or eating whale or dolphin is out of the question bad for these species, and they're bad for you too!
- Clean up your fishing gear. Fishing line takes 600 years to degrade. Line and nets can entangle sea turtles, or get caught in their digestive tracts which may cause harm or even death.
- Reduce electricity usage by unplugging electronics not in use, like lamps, cell phone chargers, toaster ovens, and even your computer. Not only are you saving electricity, but your electric bill will be cheaper too. Bonus!
- Write to your representatives. Encourage better protections for marine life and endangered species everywhere.
Reduce your Carbon Footprint!