Here's a youtube vid I made last month for STRP's "Bag the Plastics" campaign:
23 February 2011
Bag the Plastics & Save Turtles
Here's a youtube vid I made last month for STRP's "Bag the Plastics" campaign:
22 February 2011
What YOU Can Do #2 - Don't Stomp on Mother Earth with Your Footprint
19 February 2011
-Mitch Albom
18 February 2011
These Poor Cold-Stunned Turtles!!
Last Journey of the Leatherback? Preview
14 February 2011
09 February 2011
Pacific Leatherback Sea Turtles
I’ve gotten a large number of comments from friends and family in California who claim that they didn’t even know there were sea turtles off the Northern California coast. Here you go my darlings, some information on the Pacific leatherback sea turtle, which can be found nearly everywhere in the Pacific Ocean with exception of Arctic waters. The waters off the western U.S. coast are actually incredibly important feeding grounds for the Leatherback sea turtles, but these waters are also swarmed with commercial fishing fleets and plastic marine debris—causing their population to fall drastically. Their numbers are so low that they are rarely seen, and as a result they are carelessly overlooked!
What a little cutie! :)
Some facts about leatherbacks:
- They are black in color, often with whitish spots.
- The leatherbacks (Dermochelys coriacea) is actually separated into a different taxonomical family from the 6 other species of sea turtles (family Dermochelyidae; the other species are part of the family Cheloniidae).
- Leatherbacks are the only turtle without vestigial claws on their flippers, scales and a hard shell. Instead they have a leathery shell that has seven ridges for a streamlined body.
- A number of unique adaptations allow this species to survive in colder waters.
- Leatherbacks can grow to over 6 ft long and weigh around a ton. They are the largest marine reptiles on earth.
- The leatherbacks have been around for more than a hundred million years—and survived the extinction of the dinosaurs—but now human activities have got their populations in critical danger.
- In the summer and fall, the leatherbacks migrate from their nesting grounds in Indonesia 6,000 miles to northeastern Pacific waters (off the Northwest U.S. coast) to feed on jellyfish. They then return to Indonesia for the breeding season. This is the longest known migration of any living marine reptile.
- According to the World Wildlife Fund, as few as 2,300 adult female leatherback sea turtles remain in the Pacific Ocean.
National Geographic -
07 February 2011
04 February 2011
The Heartbreak Turtle Today, a documentary
02 February 2011
Reform Offshore Oil Regulations!
01 February 2011
-Captain Paul Watson